Mommy’s Little Marshmallow

Her world. I’m just living in it.

The ancient Egyptians worshipped them and I get it

She’s a Pisces, just like Elizabeth Taylor, and if she existed in human form, she bat those eyes and unfurl a string of loving four-letter epithets in my direction, tell me to make myself useful and pour her a drink.

Lady Mary.

The 2018 ELPO profile pic that screamed resist this

I hadn’t even seen an episode of Downton Abbey at the time of her adoption, but the East Let Pet Orphanage volunteer who named her had wonderful taste, and it stuck. She’s definitely the Lady of the Manor here, along with her fellow havoc queen, Yuki. Yuki’s brought HRH out of her shell, a vast improvement over the days we had to keep them separated and I projected all my childhood bullying trauma and neuroses onto Lady Mary.

The fact that Lady Mary’s now the one chasing Yuki around the house and that they can sit within a few inches from each other without flying tufts of fur and yowling is a miracle I celebrate on the daily, but my helicopter cat mom tendencies still need work.


Saint Jackie